The next Turtle Walk will be June 12, 2025!


In The Second Annual Sharon B. Corliss Turtle Walk we raised $4,295 for BSED's scholarship fund!


The next Turtle Walk will be June 12, 2025! 〰️ In The Second Annual Sharon B. Corliss Turtle Walk we raised $4,295 for BSED's scholarship fund! 〰️

At the end of the 2022-2023 school year our Director, Sharon, retired after 40 years. She truly made Baker School Extended Day into the program that we know and love today. From a handful of students to over 200 a year, she constantly did everything in her power to serve them. She grew our program from the ground up (quite literally...our lower BSED room used to have a dirt floor) and the program flourished.

Year after year through her tenure, parents, teachers, counselors and administrators at Baker School reached out to Sharon to see if she could help a family in need of emergency care or students who could benefit from time spent in a socially and emotionally supportive environment. Year after year they heard her say, "Send them down." She always did her best to make room to accommodate those in need.

In honor of her dedication to the Baker School community, we continue her legacy with the Annual Sharon B. Corliss Turtle Walk, where everyone can come as they are and walk at their own pace. All funds raised by the Turtle Walk walk-a-thon will go to BSED's scholarship fund to allow as many students as possible to join in what Baker School Extended Day has to offer.