Happy First Day!!

Happy first day!! The students might be excited to get back into the swing of things, and they might be nervous and want to go home. Let’s do our best to make it a great day for them, and if you need help, give Kelsey and Janelle a call.


K - 9 (starting Thursday)

1-2 - 2

3-4 - 11

5-6 - 6

7-8 - 8


  • Please sign in on the ipad outside of the office. Your pin is inside of your white folder. See J/K if you need help.

  • If parents need help with the app, call for Janelle on the walkie and please specify why.

  • Bobby will be with 1&2 on Thursday this week

K - help with student pickup for first grade and plan for 2 teachers to stay with the group all day for Tu/W.

1-2 - No Maggie today.

3-4 - No Maya C today.

5-6 - No Maya I or Scarlett R today. If Jaden shows up, tell him his Dad is waiting for him on the basketball court. If Ethan shows up please tell him to walk home. Maya C cannot participate in gym activities. Cecilia will be going home with Lisa Karalis on Tuesdays and Elisabeth Preiss on Thursdays during soccer season and 

7-8 - If Ryan shows up, tell him his Dad is waiting for him on the basketball court.




Welcome Back!