End of a very short week!
No Meaghan or Myla today. Jen will be in, woohoo!
No food left out on the counters or above the fridge.
Progress Reports were due before break.
Staff meeting Tuesday at 6:05PM.
CPR training 1/14, First Aid training 1/21.
Full day on 1/29.
K - No Layla or Emet. New students - Ellianna Xiang (M/Tu/F) and Elle Esch (M-F).
1-2 - No Matthias.
3-4 - No Zamira, or Vivian today. New student Oliver Esch (M-F).
5-6 - No Lucy L., David, Meghan, Elin, or Kaya. Cadence is coming today. Norah is going home with Naila.